Show filtering and sorting in url

If you want to show filtering and sorting in url, you need to rewrite default LaraGrid properties. You can do it like this:

abstract class MyBaseGrid extends BaseLaraGrid

    #[Url]  // we added this line
    public array $filter = [];

    #[Url(except: 'id')] // we added this line
    public string $sortColumn = 'id';

    #[Url]  // we added this line
    public string $sortDirection = 'desc';

    protected function getFilterResetButton(): FilterResetButton
        return FilterResetButton::make();

    protected function getTheme(): BaseLaraGridTheme
        return MyTheme::make();


Those Url params are default from livewire, so you can customize them as you want by following livewire docs.

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